Семинар на английском языке, посвященном методу tDCS

15 февраля 2018 года в 14:00 в ВШЭ (корпус в Армянском переулке, д. 4, ауд. 118) состоится семинар на английском языке, посвященном методу tDCS. Приглашаются все желающие. Те, кто не является сотрудником ВШЭ, могут записаться на пропуск у Анастасии Плотниковой (avplotnikova@hse.ru).


Centre for Cognition & Decision Making invites you to the seminar «Neuroimaging and Robotic Assessment of Online tDCS Effects in Healthy Aging and in Stroke»
Toni Muffel, MSc, PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (IMPRS LIFE)

In recent years, non-invasive brain stimulation — and especially transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) — has been investigated as an adjuvant intervention in the rehabilitation of motor deficits after stroke. Studies have indicated potentially beneficial effects, but there are still no clear patterns regarding stimulation efficacy. Most importantly, information regarding the response of individual people to different stimulation protocols are missing. Identifying the exact relationship between the physiological and anatomical properties of an individual and their responses to stimulation might help in pushing tDCS more towards applied clinical routines. In order to elicit such relationships, tools with high spatial and temporal resolution are required to assess motor performance in more detail.

In this talk, I will provide an overview about the rational of pairing tDCS with movement trainings in chronic stroke patients. Specifically, I will introduce the robotic system we are using to assess performance and to carry out trainings with patients. All will be embedded in a complex study that has been performed at our institute and that is now the basis of the beginning cooperation between the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany and the Centre for Cognition & Decision Making at HSE.

Date: 15.02.2018
Time: 14.00
Address: Armianskiy per., 4 https://goo.gl/hd2nwB
Room: 118


С уважением,
Екатерина Печенкова,
координатор Московского семинара по когнитивной науке

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